About SUM Church
Where it all adds up to Jesus!
Sunday Worship
Join in for Worship Every Sunday at 10 AM.
Quarter Til’ Praise for in-person worship only (can’t be livestreamed due to copy right laws) beginning at 9:45 AM. This is a modern music praise time for all. Please note that coffee fellowship is following worship in the lower-level dining room!
Join in from home or while away on vacation via Facebook LIVESTREAM every Sunday.
If you don’t have internet capabilities but still want to join us, we invite you to DIAL-IN by calling this number 669-274-9319.
Sunday Children's Groups
Nursery care is provided throughout worship service for infants to 3 years of age. The Nursery is located in the lower-level Kidz Zone and opens at 9:30AM every Sunday.
Kidz Church begins at 10:15 AM, just after the Choir Anthem & Kidz Message. Ages 4 to 10 years can enjoy crafts, music & fun in the lower-level Kidz Zone with Mary Ellen Kimble and also participate in the Kidz Message during the worship hour with Pastor Kevin!
Youth Lower Room begins at 10:15 AM, just after the Choir Anthem. Ages 11-18 years old gather in the lower-level “Well Room” in the Kidz Zone for age-appropriate bible lessons. Please note that this group will not meet on Communion Sundays.
Mission: Helping each other follow Jesus’ way. (John 14:6)
Vision: That through Jesus all might be saved. (John 3:17)
Our Core Values are that we love each other and our neighbors unconditionally. We create and value healthy relationships with others in our church, our community, and our world while growing a healthy outwardly-focused congregation. We promote Bible-centered spiritual growth. We encourage and equip all Christians to become witnesses, servants, and disciples. We support the greater work of the United Methodist Church. We partner with other faith communities to accomplish God’s purposes. We value helping people become more authentic followers of Jesus.
Current Community Outreach Opportunities:
– Free Community Pantry OPEN Monday-Thursday 10 am – 1 pm (located in the back entrance of the Church Office)
– Hand2hand Delivery & Packing volunteer teams that combat local hunger. View the online building calendar for a list of dates.
– Free Community Breakfast every 4th Saturday of the month from 8-10 AM in the lower-level dining room. FREE & PUBLIC WELCOME!
– Community Blood Drive every other month, on the second Thursday, from 1-7 pm in the lower-level dining room. Sign-up through the Versiti.org website.
– Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings every Monday & Wednesday at 7 pm in the lower-level dining room.
– Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meets every Friday at 7 pm in the lower-level dining room.